European Power Trading - Prospex

Prospex Research

European Power Trading

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In 2023 we estimate total trading volumes in the major European markets jumped by 36% on the year to 7,741 TWh. This was the biggest annual rise in over 20 years.

This 65 page report offers a comprehensive analysis of the European power trading market.  It covers power trading volume trends, the leading western European power exchanges, major brokers, top trading players, power industry fundamentals, and power company rankings.  Market characteristics and developments are illustrated in 21 tables and 28 charts:

Chapter 1 – European Power Markets Profile

This chapter reviews consumption, power generation, physical trading and supply price trends in the EU 27 markets and the UK.  It begins with a profile of Europe’s position in the global power market.  Next European national markets and consumption trends up to 2022 are covered.  A detailed review of the power generation mix follows.  The sizeable and important cross-border trading sector is also profiled.  The chapter concludes with coverage of widely varying pre-tax supply prices in European markets.

Chapter 2 – Wholesale Power Price Trends

This chapter profiles power price developments, which have been highly volatile over the longer term. It covers a review of historical price trends in the major wholesale power markets.

Chapter 3 – Power Trading Markets

This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of power trading in the major markets – Germany, France, the Nordic region, the UK, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands.  It begins with a big picture profile of total trading volumes in spot and forward markets, followed by summaries of key drivers and trading market “churn factors”.  The chapter then presents detailed reviews of sector developments, forward market rankings, and the key trends in all the major markets.  Major traders are also profiled.  The chapter concludes with an analysis of the OTC brokerage sector.

Chapter 4 – Western European Power Exchanges

This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the western European power exchange business.  It begins with a summary of the exchanges and their trading segment coverage.  Next trading volume trends from 2019 to 2023 in all the main trading segments (spot, forward, and OTC clearing) are profiled. 

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